Anchorage Park Kindergarten Celebrates the Queen Gallery Anchorage Park Kindergarten Celebrates the Queen Anchorage Park Kindergarten, Blog Anchorage Park Kindergarten Celebrates the Queen At Anchorage Park Kindergarten we hosted a morning high [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-09-30T02:08:37+00:00September 30th, 2022|Tags: anchorage park kindergarten, celebration, community, creativity|
Anchorage Park Kindergarten Paints Sunflowers Gallery Anchorage Park Kindergarten Paints Sunflowers Anchorage Park Kindergarten, Blog Anchorage Park Kindergarten Paints Sunflowers The children worked with one of our teachers to [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-09-27T22:31:10+00:00September 27th, 2022|Tags: AKA, anchorage park kindergarten, art, Auckland Kindergarten Association, ECE, painting, sunflowers|
Celebrating the Life of Queen Elizabeth II at Highland Park Kindergarten Gallery Celebrating the Life of Queen Elizabeth II at Highland Park Kindergarten Blog, Highland Park Kindergarten Celebrating the Life of Queen Elizabeth II at Highland Park Kindergarten At Highland Park Kindergarten, the children were inspired to [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-09-19T21:38:39+00:00September 19th, 2022|Tags: AKA, art, Auckland Kindergarten Association, celebration, ECE, highland park kindergarten, Kindergarten|
Anchorage Park Kindergarten’s Book Character Day Gallery Anchorage Park Kindergarten’s Book Character Day Anchorage Park Kindergarten, Blog Anchorage Park Kindergarten’s Book Character Day With our parents supporting our literacy programme, we held [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-09-11T21:56:36+00:00September 11th, 2022|Tags: AKA, anchorage park kindergarten, book day, community, curriculum, family, literacy, whānau|
Zero Waste Hub visit Gallery Zero Waste Hub visit Blog, Northcote Central Kindergarten Zero Waste Hub visit Recently our Tui Transition to [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-08-31T23:10:59+00:00August 31st, 2022|Tags: Northcote Central|
Celebrating Matariki at Milford Kindergarten Gallery Celebrating Matariki at Milford Kindergarten Blog, Milford Kindergarten Celebrating Matariki at Milford Kindergarten Matariki is the Māori New Year and we celebrate [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-07-28T01:20:55+00:00July 28th, 2022|Tags: AKA, art, Auckland Kindergarten Association, community, Kindergarten New Zealand, matariki, Milford Kindergarten|
Matariki at Glenfield Kindergarten Gallery Matariki at Glenfield Kindergarten Blog, Glenfield Kindergarten 12345 Matariki at Glenfield Kindergarten What an amazing Matariki Glenfield Kindergarten have had this [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-07-19T03:47:43+00:00July 19th, 2022|Tags: AKA, early childhood educationildhood, ECE, glenfield kindergarten, matariki|
Aorere Kindergarten Participates in Moth Plant Competition Gallery Aorere Kindergarten Participates in Moth Plant Competition Aorere Kindergarten, Blog Aorere Kindergarten Participates in Moth Plant Competition Our Aorere Kaitiaki team participated in the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-07-11T04:38:08+00:00July 11th, 2022|Tags: AKA, aorere kindergarten, Auckland Kindergarten Association, community, ECE, environment, whānau|
Laingholm Kindergarten Celebrates Matariki Gallery Laingholm Kindergarten Celebrates Matariki Blog, Laingholm Kindergarten Laingholm Kindergarten Celebrates Matariki At Laingholm Kindergarten we celebrated Matariki by planting daffodil [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-07-11T03:59:14+00:00July 11th, 2022|Tags: AKA, Auckland Kindergarten Association, ECE, Kindergarten, laingholm kindergarten, matariki|