Regular opportunities are provided for tamariki to be familiar with the fire drill and earthquake drill at Farm Cove Kindergarten. Currently, some tamariki are showing a desire to take on a role of rescuing people in danger and are doing it through identification with different professions – firefighter, police officer, traffic controller, doctors, teachers or even builders are some of the play roles that encourage empathy among tamariki.

We believe imaginary games are a very powerful way for tamariki to express themselves and think outside the box. They imitate mannerisms, practice different emotions and use their language skills to communicate with their peers.

To further extend their learning, recycled large boxes were used for making a fire truck and police car for our budding firefighters and police officers. Although this wonderful project was fun, it had a number of steps involved such as painting, drawing the ladder, gluing wheels and accessories such as the siren and flashing lights.