At Roskill South Kindergarten we are committed to developing children’s knowledge about how to maintain their health by fostering positive attitudes towards food during their early years. From Monday to Thursday, children prepare their own morning tea and lunch. On Fridays, they bring a healthy packed morning tea and lunch from home.

This curriculum area fosters meaningful and valuable learning outcomes including:

  • Understanding how to maintain their health and the functioning of their bodies.
  • Managing themselves and taking responsibility, including self-help and self-care skills.
  • Cultivating a positive attitude towards food which involves trying new foods to expand their dietary choices.
  • Enhancing social competence through activities like taking turns, communicating ideas, and engaging in conversations.
  • Engaging in “real work,” including learning how to safely use “real tools” such as kitchen equipment.

Whānau contribute items to our kindergarten pantry and this is communicated through a weekly shopping list on Storypark and the whiteboard.