Massey Kindergarten2024-10-23T20:38:44+00:00

Kia ora and welcome to Massey Kindergarten

A place to belong – Massey Kindergarten is a joyful, stimulating and inviting kindergarten, where a child-led, play based curriculum underpins our everyday experiences. Kindness is embedded in our culture, and we provide a warm, homely environment, a place to belong.

Freedom to explore – Tamariki love to explore in our vast outdoor space, where they enjoy open-ended experiences to inspire their imaginations and encourage them to find out more.

Leading their learning – We empower our tamariki to take ownership of their learning, be problem solvers and investigators, developing their thinking and working theories as an integral part of learning.

Respect – We respect the views of all tamariki and they know their voice will be heard. We celebrate the uniqueness of everyone and love the rich variety of personalities and cultures that make our place so special.

We’re an Enviroschool – We are passionate about sustainability and are proud to be a Green Gold Enviroschool. Through this passion our tamariki, kaiako and whānau come together and collaborate through hands on, child-led experiences in the natural environment. We encourage our tamariki to enact kaitiakitanga and take responsibility for planting, growing and harvesting fresh produce in our Māra kai.

Our values – Our Philosophy is aligned with the Te Ao Māori values of Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Kaitiakitanga and Kotahitanga. Te reo Māori and Te Ao Māori are woven through our daily practice.

Partnerships – Partnerships between whānau, tamariki, kaiako and the wider community are at the heart of our practice. We have an amazing Whānau Group who work in partnership with us, leading fundraising events, and working with the wider community to strengthen the connections we have. Whānau are an integral part of our kindergarten.

Ready for school – We have a strong relationship with our neighbouring primary school, and have weekly visits to support tamariki who are transitioning to school. Combined with the skills and attitudes to learning they develop with us, tamariki are set to begin the next stage of their learning journey with confidence.

Quality and convenience – We have 5 fully qualified, experienced Kaiako supporting the learning and development of our tamariki. We’re open 7 hours a day, from 8.30am to 3.30pm – perfect for those who need an extra bit of time and for our whanau with school aged tamariki. We offer 20 free hours every week for 2-5 year olds, and a small hourly fee for additional hours, making us a very affordable option for quality early childhood education in Massey.

Contact us today, we’d love to show you around and talk to you about all we have to offer your tamariki.


    I love this kindy! It feels like home. Its vibrant, inspiring, warm and welcoming. The teachers here are AMAZING. All my children love/d it there. I recommend this kindy to anyone who asks me about it.

    Rikki Bendall


    A quality, well resourced learning environment. Massey Kindergarten have all qualified teachers who are warm, welcoming & put childrens needs first. Highly reccomend this place for your child.

    Amanda Pattullo


    Children's developing social competence is nurtured by teachers who value and model respect and kindness towards others.

    Massey Kindergarten 2017 ERO Report


    Teachers skillfully promote and support the development of children's oral language skills. They are responsive to the needs of individual children, recognising that their learning and development is at different stages.

    Massey Kindergarten 2017 ERO Report

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