Lincoln North Kindergarten enjoy “Jungle Rumble” with Kathy Lawson from Animated Soundz. She took them on an adventure discovering the jungle, and its amazing animal sounds. The children love listening to the music and so keen to see what animal would appear out of the jungle. Thank you Kathy Lawson for a wonderful session. Ka pai.
Jungle Rumble
twg_team2020-05-15T09:20:04+00:00September 2nd, 2016|Tags: AKA, Auckland Kindergarten Association, Discover, Early childhood education, Kindergarten New Zealand, KiNZ, StoryPark|
twg_team2020-05-15T09:20:04+00:00September 2nd, 2016|Tags: AKA, Auckland Kindergarten Association, Discover, Early childhood education, Kindergarten New Zealand, KiNZ, StoryPark|