The Wonder of Worms We have been on a learning journey about worms at [...] FIND OUT MORE twg_team2020-06-04T15:25:27+00:00July 11th, 2017|Tags: Auckland Kindergarten Association, Early learning, Sustainability|
Healthy and Yummy Kai Gallery Healthy and Yummy Kai Flat Bush Kindergarten Healthy and Yummy Kai We are gearing up to be part of the Health [...] FIND OUT MORE twg_team2020-05-15T09:14:05+00:00July 6th, 2017|Tags: Children's health|
Dinosaurs Gallery Dinosaurs Sunnyvale Kindergarten Dinosaurs Our Tamariki have recently been interested in all things dinosaur! [...] FIND OUT MORE twg_team2020-05-14T12:10:32+00:00July 5th, 2017|Tags: Education|
Making Soup Gallery Making Soup Summerland Kindergarten Making Soup FIND OUT MORE twg_team2020-05-14T12:11:16+00:00July 3rd, 2017|Tags: Auckland Kindergarten Association, Discover, Early learning, Education Children's health|
Healthy Heart Gold Award Gallery Healthy Heart Gold Award Henderson Kindergarten Healthy Heart Gold Award The children, whānau and teachers were very excited to be [...] FIND OUT MORE twg_team2020-05-15T09:15:41+00:00June 30th, 2017|Tags: Children's activities, Children's health, Education, Sustainability|
Matariki Celebration Gallery Matariki Celebration Otahuhu Central Kindergarten Matariki Celebration Matariki also known as the Māori New Year, is marked [...] FIND OUT MORE twg_team2020-05-14T12:13:47+00:00June 29th, 2017|Tags: Early childhood education, ECE, Education, Kindergarten, Kindergarten New Zealand|
Snells Beach Kindergarten Pyjama Breakfast Gallery Snells Beach Kindergarten Pyjama Breakfast Snells Beach Kindergarten Snells Beach Kindergarten Pyjama Breakfast There was great excitement as everyone arrived at kindergarten styling [...] FIND OUT MORE twg_team2020-05-14T12:17:41+00:00June 28th, 2017|Tags: Auckland Kindergarten Association, Children's activities, Early learning, ECE, Kindergarten, Kindergarten New Zealand, Pre-school|
Teddy Bear Hospital Visit Gallery Teddy Bear Hospital Visit KINZ Sandringham, Parents Teddy Bear Hospital Visit Teddy Bear Hospital paid a visit to KiNZ Sandringham. The [...] FIND OUT MORE twg_team2020-05-14T12:18:36+00:00June 28th, 2017|Tags: Care, Children's health, Pre-school|
Tamariki’s Building and Construction World Gallery Tamariki’s Building and Construction World Otahuhu Central Kindergarten Tamariki’s Building and Construction World Last year our kindergarten playground was renovated, since then our [...] FIND OUT MORE twg_team2020-05-15T09:15:55+00:00June 27th, 2017|Tags: Children's activities, Discover, Early learning, Education|