Cultural Exploration at Henderson Gallery Cultural Exploration at Henderson Henderson Kindergarten, Uncategorised Cultural Exploration at Henderson At Henderson Kindergarten, our tamariki embarked on a delightful [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2023-09-26T20:51:15+00:00September 26th, 2023|
Chinese Language Week at Howick Gallery Chinese Language Week at Howick Blog, Howick Kindergarten Chinese Language Week at Howick Howick Kindergarten thoroughly enjoyed celebrating Chinese Language Week this [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2023-09-26T20:41:14+00:00September 26th, 2023|
St Johns Fathers’ Day Breakfast Gallery St Johns Fathers’ Day Breakfast Blog, St Johns Kindergarten St Johns Fathers’ Day Breakfast At St Johns Kindergarten we had a special Fathers’ [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2023-09-18T02:11:53+00:00September 18th, 2023|Tags: St Johns Kindergarten|
Community Involvement in Moth Pod Eradication Gallery Community Involvement in Moth Pod Eradication Blog, Cascades Kindergarten Community Involvement in Moth Pod Eradication At Cascades Kindergarten, we are earth healers. We are ocean [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2023-09-18T00:03:38+00:00September 18th, 2023|
Celebrating Diversity and Building Connections at Howick Gallery Celebrating Diversity and Building Connections at Howick Blog, Howick Kindergarten Celebrating Diversity and Building Connections at Howick Recently, Howick Kindergarten had the wonderful opportunity to join [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2023-09-13T22:22:52+00:00September 12th, 2023|
Cook Island language Week Gallery Cook Island language Week Blog, Favona Kindergarten Cook Island language Week 'Ātuitui’ia au ki te Oneone o tōku ‘Ui Tupuna, [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2023-08-25T03:49:20+00:00August 25th, 2023|Tags: cook island language, favona kindergarten|
Fifa World Cup in Titirangi Gallery Fifa World Cup in Titirangi Blog, Titirangi Kindergarten Fifa World Cup in Titirangi At Titirangi Kindergarten we have been following the Women’s [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2023-08-25T03:33:27+00:00August 25th, 2023|Tags: fifa world cup, titirangi kindergarten|
Matariki at KiNZ Mission Heights Gallery Matariki at KiNZ Mission Heights Blog, KINZ Mission Heights Matariki at KiNZ Mission Heights There was a buzz of excitement as we worked [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2023-08-18T00:04:37+00:00August 18th, 2023|
What it means to be a Green Gold Enviroschool Gallery What it means to be a Green Gold Enviroschool Blog, Cascades Kindergarten What it means to be a Green Gold Enviroschool At Cascades Kindergarten we are proud to be a [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2023-08-01T01:44:36+00:00August 1st, 2023|Tags: cascades kindergarten|