Kauri Park Kindergarten celebrated our 50th milestone birthday in 2023 with an afternoon of waiata, kai and sharing of memories. It was a special day hosting so many people who are, and have been connected to this place for 50 years since its establishment in 1973.

We welcomed back three past Head Teachers, Teachers, students (from as far back as 1981) parents, local MP and schools, AKA support services, Board Chair and of course our parents and whānau, some of whom had provided photos for our collection of historic pics displayed on the day for all to enjoy.

We are so grateful to our community who were able to support the celebrations; one being our MC, another for catering our delicious kai and another parent who was our professional photographer.

During the lead up to our big day tamariki were busy preparing art work for our decorations. These lined our new gazebo area where we all gathered protected from the rain. On the day students from a local school Kapa Haka group tautoko our tamariki singing waiata.

All our visitors were invited to complete an individual wooden art piece which will go towards a one larger collaborative art work to commemorate the day. We can’t wait to put it all together for its unveiling.

Whānau were welcomed by a whakatau and listened to speeches including these words from the team; reflecting how important our history, local curriculum and cultural landscapes are at this place.

“Our history is woven into our practices through learning and acknowledging what was here before Kauri Park Kindergarten. This land was visited by tangata whenua in the summer months to fish in the waters near by. Moa roamed this land too. Many strawberry fields covered the landscape and has inspired our own growing of strawberries in our garden.

We embrace a holistic philosophy centred on nurturing a child’s sense of identity in a multifaceted way.  We understand that a child’s social, self, cultural identity and nature connectedness all play vital roles in their development as life long learners.

Our programme is thoughtfully designed to encompass the aspirations of our parents and whānau.  Making friends, having fun, and gaining independence to support a smooth transition to school.

We believe that nature holds incredible lessons, our beautiful outdoor environment and regular hikoi into our ngāhere not only encourages a profound connection to the environment, a greater sense of kaitiakitanga but also fosters a deeper understanding of the world.

Our approach is rooted in inquiry-based learning, encouraging children’s intellectual curiosity and fostering their sense of wonderment, empowering them to explore and learn through their own questions and experiences.”

We are honoured to be kaitiaki of this special place. Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua. People come and go but the land remains.