Milford Kindergarten Day at the Farm Gallery Milford Kindergarten Day at the Farm Blog, Milford Kindergarten Milford Kindergarten Day at the Farm On the last Friday of the term break whānau [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-11-21T20:27:25+00:00November 17th, 2022|Tags: farm, milford, Milford Kindergarten|
Celebrating Matariki at Milford Kindergarten Gallery Celebrating Matariki at Milford Kindergarten Blog, Milford Kindergarten Celebrating Matariki at Milford Kindergarten Matariki is the Māori New Year and we celebrate [...] FIND OUT MORE AKA Marketing2022-07-28T01:20:55+00:00July 28th, 2022|Tags: AKA, art, Auckland Kindergarten Association, community, Kindergarten New Zealand, matariki, Milford Kindergarten|