Parent involvement has been an important part of AKA over 100 years.
A Parent Whānau Group (PWG) is a group that comes together to enjoy actively contributing in their kindergarten – we know this as whanaungatanga. Group members can be parents, whānau and caregivers of children that attend, will attend, or have attended the kindergarten, and other interested members of the local community. As a charitable association and not-for-profit organisation, parent community involvement is valued and is a critical part of our success.
Why have a PWG?
The intention of the PWG is to encourage the contributions of parents, whānau and caregivers to support their kindergarten to meet the needs of the local community.
The aim is to:
- show manaakitanga in welcoming, supporting and connecting new families and whānau
- support the teachers with fundraising ideas and initiatives to support the kindergarten learning programme
- discuss upcoming events and how parents, whānau and caregivers can be involved
- work alongside teachers to support the review of kindergarten or centre operational procedures
- be involved in any consultation and feedback that the kindergarten or Auckland Kindergarten Association (AKA) is seeking
- connect with other parents, whānau and caregiver members and build a support network
AKA is made up of 107 kindergartens. Each kindergarten can elect one Member of the Association – the person who goes to General Meetings to represent the kindergarten and vote for AKA’s Board of Directors. If a kindergarten has a PWG, the Chairperson of that PWG will be that kindergarten’s Member of AKA.