Ōtāhuhu Kindergarten2025-02-17T20:39:56+00:00

Kia Ora, Talofa lava, Sat Sri kal, Kia orana, Fakaalofa Lahi atu, Namaste, Ni hao ma, Malo e Lelei and Welcome to Ōtāhuhu Kindergarten

Ko Ōtāhuhu te kura kohungahunga i Ngā puāwai o Tāmaki

Tēnā koe ki te manga o Ōtāhuhu

Kia ora ki te awa o Tāmaki

He mihi tēnei ki ngā mana whenua o tēnei rohe


We’ve got heart – Ōtāhuhu Kindergarten is located in the heart of Ōtāhuhu. We pride ourselves on whakawhanaungatanga (getting to know our tamariki and whānau well). Our kaupapa (teaching philosophy) is built on respectful, responsive and reciprocal relationships with tamariki, whānau, Papatuanuku and the wider community.

Proud of who we are – We are inclusive and embrace our diversity by celebrating cultural identity and language in everyday teaching and learning.  Tamariki are able to express, value and embrace their own culture and background. Tamariki see themselves reflected and feel proud of who they are.

Kaitiaki of the future – As an Enviroschool kindergarten we aspire to learn and live a sustainable lifestyle. We support and encourage these practices with our whānau who provide nutritious lunchboxes for their tamariki.  We empower our tamariki to become kaitiaki (guardians) and to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle waste and do our part in reducing our landfills.

Learning through play – Our large and spacious outdoor environment provides tamariki with many opportunities to run, learn and work collaboratively alongside their friends. They love to observe bugs, insects and plants and are empowered to use their imagination and creativity to explore and discover nature through harakeke, gardening, composting, worm farming, recycling, active movement and more.

Our community connections – We have good relationships with our local schools, library, local businesses and other organisations and groups within the Ōtāhuhu community.  When we work together to support our tamariki they thrive.

In the know – We share your child’s successes and milestones through portfolios, and use the Storypark app to connect and share learning online with our busy whānau and with extended whānau.

Our caring qualified multicultural teaching team and support staff would love to share our amazing learning journey with your tamariki and whānau. Contact us today, we’d love to show you around.


    Teachers know children well, and build on their interests in relevant learning experiences.

    Otahuhu Kindergarten 2017 ERO Quote


    Children have good opportunities to explore and learn about the natural world, and are physically active in the spacious outdoor area. They have fun, make choices and learn though purposeful play.

    Otahuhu Kindergarten 2017 ERO Quote

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