The Living Eggs programme has been an amazing experience for the tamariki at Pigeon Mountain Kindergarten. They spent days closely observing the eggs pipping and witnessing the hatching process of the chicks in the incubator. After they hatched, tamariki were eager to watch how the kaiako cared for the chicks by cleaning their brooder and providing food and water.

In the second week, the tamariki were delighted to hold and gently pat the chicks, showing respect and kindness—a value known as manaakitanga in Te Ao Māori. They also enjoyed taking part in a variety of chick-related art activities.

It has been wonderful to see our families/whānau engage in the Living Eggs programme as well, coming in to observe, check on the progress, and have conversations with the tamariki. Throughout this process, the tamariki not only gained scientific knowledge but also developed valuable dispositions such as manawareka (curiosity) and manaakitanga (respect and kindness). The Living Eggs programme provided enriching and meaningful learning for everyone, offering a hands-on understanding of the chicken life cycle, which aligns with Te Whāriki’s Strand of Exploration—children develop working theories to make sense of the natural world. We are pleased that our tamariki thoroughly enjoyed this fantastic scientific experience.