Nature is a third teacher and while interacting with nature on a daily basis, ngā tamariki are taking in lots of learning with their kaiako.

The joys of summer was discovered through our various senses. The time of harvesting plums was an opportunity to do estimations of weight, quantity, size and the children used their senses as they weighed, counted and enjoyed them. The extra produce was happily shared within the KiNZ Mission Heights whānau for a small donation to Centre garden projects.

The yummy cherry tomato seedlings which were shared by Emerson’s whānau at the beginning of summer is yielding a good harvest. The learning is all about taking responsibility of knowing when it’s time to harvest them. Children’s self-autonomy is enhanced when they take leadership in these tasks despite age as a barrier. These tomatoes add colour, taste and flavour to children’s meals as they enjoy the experience of ‘garden to table”.

In the garden, teachers brought their attention to the ladybugs. Children are learning about the communal relationships existing in nature. They see the relationship of ladybugs and fungus that feeds on the tomato and bottle gourd plants. They know that skinks sneak quietly to feed on the bugs. Children draw this learning into their pretend play and discussions.

All these investigation empowered them to work in partnership to create a terrarium, as they figured out the right environment for it. Ensuring that we are kind to the skink was the motto. A troop of children will be on the lookout to fetch food for the skink. Would we be making a habitat for skinks in our exploration garden? Which native skinks will it attract? What other fauna would we invite as we investigate about native flora? These are some of the questions that the teachers and children are currently wondering about as we continue with our journey of everyday interaction with papatūānuku.

We are learning that we can provide the optimum environment in our backyards for plants and animals to exist in harmony. We can be guardians of our living world by doing the right thing and caring for the living things while having fun. Our exploration garden which is a long term project is slowly taking shape, as children are learning the importance of having a balance in biodiversity.