Tamarki at Howick Kindergarten have  real fascination for bugs and animals so with this in mind, we organised an exciting trip to Butterfly Creek. It was an incredible day! The tamariki thoroughly enjoyed riding the bus, and their enthusiasm was contagious.

Once at Butterfly Creek, we marvelled at the various dinosaurs and delighted in the chance to watch and even touch some of the animals. The train ride was a highlight! Everyone loved quietly and gently observing the butterflies and exploring the kiwi house. We had a great time burning off energy at the playground before hopping back on the bus.

A huge thank you to all the parent helpers who made this trip such a success! We even achieved a one-to-one ratio for some of the children, which was fantastic. Your support made this experience possible. We look forward to continuing to nurture the children’s interests by organising similar trips at least once a year.